
Showing posts from May, 2009

Angels and Demons

The team behind the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code returns for the highly anticipated Angels & Demons, based upon the bestselling novel by Dan Brown. Tom Hanks reprises his role as Harvard religious expert Robert Langdon, who once again finds that forces with ancient roots are willing to stop at nothing, even murder, to advance their goals. Ron Howard again directs the film, which is produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, and John Calley. The screenplay is by David Koepp and Akiva Goldsman. When Langdon discovers evidence of the resurgence of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati - the most powerful underground organization in history - he also faces a deadly threat to the existence of the secret organization's most despised enemy: the Catholic Church. When Langdon learns that the clock is ticking on an unstoppable Illuminati time bomb, he jets to Rome, where he joins forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and enigmatic Italian scientist. Embarking on

Redang 3D2N 热浪岛三天二夜行

wo la la.... after 8 hrs sitting in the bus, finally.... we can step into a boat that will bring us to redang. we were so hyper

新宿事件 Shinjuku Incident

九十年代,拖拉機工人鐵頭(成龍飾)冒著生命危險偷渡前往日本投靠同村好友阿傑(吳彥祖飾),以便找其到了日本留學的女友秀秀(徐靜蕾飾)。 他在日本,與其餘偷渡客一同幹著粗活,但生活迫人令他們開始從事違法勾當,鐵頭亦與當地最大黑幫龍頭江口(加藤雅也飾)扯上關係,鐵頭一群人的力量亦愈來愈強,生活漸見起色。 可惜阿傑與外來黑幫老大高捷(高捷飾)有牙齒印,開始展開一場黑色風暴。而警方亦把調查外來黑幫勢力的檔案命名為「新宿事件」,並由警察北野(竹中直人飾)負責調查…… 后感:第一次看没有在银幕上耍功夫的成龙,我不太习惯。这次去看他主演的戏,都是因为有免费戏票。他的艺术我向来都不怎么欣赏,可是我却觉得这电影还瞒感人的。成龙不秀花巧功夫,电影还是有看头的。 官方网站 :

美國頂尖水彩大師Steve Hanks

美國藝術雜誌稱他為 "全美頂尖十大藝術家之一 " Hanks先生專攻水彩畫,並以縝密關注形式和光線之間的變化,藉以反映出完美的片段時刻。 尤其光影變化與表現逆光的手法,實在令人嘆為觀止


男說:「她很無聊,我上班好累,她說晚上要去散步,我說改天,她就又哭又鬧,真是討厭!」 女說:「你才討厭,我在家作牛作馬為這個家打掃,為你做飯為你生孩子,為你們臭男人當發洩獸慾的工具,怎麼,只要求散個步你就會累死啦!?」 男說:「喂!生小孩是兩人的事又不是我一人的事,妳累難道我不累?我發洩難道妳沒享受?」 女說:「哼!早知道生了小孩你不管我,我根本就不生,我們女人為何辛苦生下孩子,就一定要負責孩子的一切,又不能出去工作。」 男說:「喂!生孩子又不是妳一人能辦到,沒有我妳生個屁。」 女說:「哼!你們男人有何貢獻?享受女人肉體的是你,發洩的也是你,你貢獻什麼」 男說:「哼!沒有我的貢獻精子妳生什麼!?」 再來下面的話讓人難忘!! 女說:「哈哈!貢獻精子你, 享受完了,你射精了,你貢獻了 ,好..那看看我們女人的貢獻:我 懷孕要忍耐嘔吐」 我要小心飲食;我連生病都不敢吃藥;我要為肚裏孩子注意一切;我懷孕不便於行; 我不再能遠行郊遊;我坐車都不方便;我要穿上大肚裝;我不能放心行房; 我要擔心肚裏孩子是否健康;我要定時去醫院產檢;我懷孕要破壞身材; 我要煩惱妊娠紋的出現;生產後要努力恢復身材使丈夫不嫌棄;我要忍受陣痛 我要痛苦生產;我也許須要剖腹生產;我也許會有產後憂鬱症;我要帶初生嬰兒; 我因餵奶而胸部下垂;我要照顧小孩生活起居;我要比小孩晚睡而比小孩早起; 我要半夜起床餵奶;我還是要忙一切家事;我要放棄事業;我伸手要錢要看丈夫臉色 丈夫出門享樂而我得在家帶小孩;甚至於走樣的身材是丈夫外遇的藉口 這種種一切就是我的貢獻! 你不過是享受完之後,放一點精子在我肚裏,然後大睡,奇怪…這種情況, 憑什麼小孩要跟著你姓?他的血他的肉他的一切都是我給的,你不過只給他一丁點兒 ,有什麼資格跟我爭?」 這場架吵完了,我記得那丈夫極力想爭辯,卻一點話都說不出來。 想一想,好像事實真是如此。 男人啊!以後真的要對自己的老婆好一點喔! 至於女人嘛!好好把這篇記下來吧!會很好用唷!

music man concert 力宏音乐男巡回演唱会 - 大马站

hahaha, hohoho!!! this whole week quite happy, bcoz.......... leehom on town on 2nd may!!! he came here for his own concert named music man concert. oh oh! its the time im waiting for!! i bought RM 398 this time even i had out of my pocket budget. so wat? 2 3 years only once, support for the things that i like, as long as i think its worth. RM 398 consider as vip but still far from stage, RM 600 is close to stage and named as vvip. as a poor student, no matter how hard i support... no money no talk. nvm, juz enjoy the live. i reached juz right on time. bahamut came put b4 music man(skipped the part of performance of local artist). ppl scream and starting excited, same as me. bahamut? lets introduce, its weapon of music man to save the music world. cost RM 93,942 and 3 months to complete it. it is custome made in Ireland by designer of U2 guitars. this concert r totally different with all previous concert that i attended b4. whole new 1, mix with comics themes. i like the comic story on