music man concert 力宏音乐男巡回演唱会 - 大马站

hahaha, hohoho!!!
this whole week quite happy, bcoz.......... leehom on town on 2nd may!!!
he came here for his own concert named music man concert.
oh oh! its the time im waiting for!!
i bought RM 398 this time even i had out of my pocket budget.
so wat? 2 3 years only once, support for the things that i like, as long as i think its worth.
RM 398 consider as vip but still far from stage,
RM 600 is close to stage and named as vvip.
as a poor student, no matter how hard i support... no money no talk.
nvm, juz enjoy the live.

i reached juz right on time.
bahamut came put b4 music man(skipped the part of performance of local artist).
ppl scream and starting excited, same as me.
bahamut? lets introduce, its weapon of music man to save the music world.
cost RM 93,942 and 3 months to complete it.
it is custome made in Ireland by designer of U2 guitars.

this concert r totally different with all previous concert that i attended b4.
whole new 1, mix with comics themes.
i like the comic story on the stage with 5 moving screen(should i call it screen? eng not so well).
there is a moment leehom "dropped" in the hole on stage, screen continue with comics saying that when music man take off his clothes, he is only a normal man who also nd love. so nice the effect!

leehom know magic??
haha, i was shocked when i saw 4 leehom on stage.
no no no, there is only 1 leehom on stage, he juz play some eyes magic to make us blieve change me band has back.
2 guitar players and 1 drum player pretend as him and hide with dark light even the screen showing that its leehom there playing the instrument.

another magic?
a big box push out on middle of stage.
ppl wonder y is it there? and leehom started open it and walking in.
automatically i can know that it is another magic that leehom playing.
bingo!! leehom come out from my seat section!!!
ppl crazy and mad again, included me.
so so regret that i didnt run to the end of the row and try to shake hand to him.

how is his performance?
no doubt he is so talented, all fans satisfied la.
but his voice not that good that night.
i guess its bcoz recently too bc on his new movie and prepare for music award.
nvm, fans still accept it!
but he not dance as much as last time.
only few mins he dance alone on stage.

it is damn nice for this concert!!
next time, im gonna buy vvip!!!

ps: some photo taken by sunset


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