alone in KLIA

aloha, ha, ha, ha~~
sitting in the KLIA food court and nothing to do
waiting for flight?
sorry, i no money to travel
i am waiting relative finish her work and take her car back home
was back to hometown, seremban for 3 day 2 night
i was lucky coz my cousin, also my previous room mate, ah min jj was still in malaysia when i get back to hometown
that siao po really enjoy her life
no nd to work, no nd to do housework,
juz wait for another trip with her husband

keegan said im too straight, nv think another way to express myself
again, same as wat liechin said b4
yeah i agree, and im trying to change it
its hurt even its true, i cant take this if its happen on me
ok! girl u got to change it!

i found 1 thing in seremban that i nv c b4
take away coffee with the tin
can u imagine that?
but save the environment la, make use of disposal item


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